「子どもには疲れるとあなたはいう。そのとおりだ。しかし “だって彼らの考えまで降りなきゃならないのだから。そこまで下りて、身をかがめ、腰を曲げ、身体を縮めなきゃならない”と説明するとき、あなたは間違っている。
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If we would guide by light of reason, we must let our minds be bold. This is true! ...What is BMI chart? In the world of dieting and healthy lifestyle, BMI is a widely known measure that helps people calculate their body mass index. Your body mass index is based on the measurement of your weight and height and is used to measure the risk of your body developing weight related diseases. Your BMI depends on the two factors that affect body weight.
返信削除The first one is your weight, and the second one is your height. This will be the best way to calculate your BMI and to determine your ideal weight.
BMI formula
Body mass index is a widely used formula to calculate the ideal body weight according to the height and body weight of an individual.
The idea behind the BMI measurement is to determine your ideal body weight based on your height and weight.
If your height is lesser than 5 feet, you can use the following BMI formula.
Height (in inches) = [5 foot] + 1 inch
Body weight = (0.4 x weight in pounds) + (22 x height in inches)
BMI = Weight in kg/height in meters^2
Based on your height and weight, a BMI calculator is provided in our website that uses the method mentioned above to calculate your BMI and provides you with your ideal weight.
In the current world, where there is no restriction to the food types, everybody is not obese. That is why BMI is a commonly used body measurement to determine whether a person is at risk of developing diseases that is related to obesity. These diseases include, but are not limited to, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, congestive heart failure and metabolic syndrome. It has been found that people with the high BMI are also prone to having some diseases associated with type 2 diabetes.
BMI chart
BMI chart provides important information related to your health in the form of body fat, percentage of muscle, blood pressure and waistline.